Sunday 1st May saw the skiffties take on Loch Ness in our Monster row.  The Monster row was masterminded by Drew Mann as a great way of  fund raising for our trip to the skiffie world’s (world championship) in Northern Ireland .  The monster row saw us row from one end of Loch Ness to the other, a 22 mile stretch  in 5 legs and completed in 5 hours. One of our junior members took on the challenge of organising this Monster Row, Drew Mann spent many hours studying maps and driving the length of the loch looking for crew changing stops, As well as sorting all the teams, drivers and helpers. A massive well done to him .  On the morning of the row the weather and wind looked like it may stop play, but after an early morning drive to check the condition’s on the loch Drew gave the go ahead.  The boat and her first crew made the journey to Fort Augustus where she was launched and started her journey down the loch.  A further 4 stop’s and crew change’s took place with her finally landing at Dore’s , to be welcomed in by a great crowd .  A crowd funding page had been set up to allow sponsorship which generated an amazing £1142.00 .  A massive thank you to everyone who sponsored us and a big thank you to everyone who took part and came to show support on the day.  We might have had a little bit of fun with photo-shop.13151664_513645738824695_5309010481802309265_n 13139330_514938078695461_7204405859718437186_n 13102749_513798962142706_4064333812143788421_n 13100903_513798905476045_6365416399624684226_n 13076945_513798945476041_6191363956308184061_n 13095940_513791602143442_8711891543833970915_n

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